If you subscribe to Ramit Sethi, you probably saw his email today called “Writing your way to a better sex life.” Ramit’s copywriter rewrote this guy’s profile and got him 4 times the number of dates almost instantly.
Long story short: Ramit’s employee “Esteban” is a smart, caring, funny guy, but he wasn’t getting many dates. Why?
He wasn’t presenting himself the right way in his profile.
Esteban isn’t alone here — most men don’t consider the message their profile sends from the perspective of the women reading it.
The fact is, women won’t give you a shot if you can’t communicate what a great guy you are. Great copywriting can improve your dating options, your relationships, and even get you a long-term relationship.
That’s why I created The Ultimate Online Dating Profile Cheat Sheet.
This guide contains nearly 70 powerful tips you can use right now to show the women you want to date why you’re a great catch. You don’t have to lie or exaggerate. All you need to do is use these tips to take what you already have in your profile and polish it. Just like Esteban.
Click here to get a copy sent to your inbox and watch your dating options skyrocket.
Main photo credit: Ramit Sethi